Search Tags<Bentley Commercial Properties, R-15, GC, Wallace Road, North Marietta Parkway, Landscape Installation & Maintenance>
Bentley Commercial Properties, LLC, (770) 265-0905, represented by Ed Bentley requests a rezoning from R-15 to GC for Landscape Installation and Maintenance.
Located on the east side of Wallace Road, south of North Marietta Parkway (308 Wallace Road), District 16, Land Lot 1138, Parcels 1 & 71.
Size of tract is: .7 acres
Current zoning: R-15
Contiguous zoning is: North: Marietta; East: R-15; South: Marietta; West: Marietta.
Future Land Use: Industrial Compatible
Case Manager: Eric Jacobsen
Planning Commissioner: Mike Terry & Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner: Bob Ott & JoAnn Birrell
Proposed Use: Landscape Installation and Maintenance
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
Staff recommends: Deletion to LI with additional stipulations
ECCA recommends: Approval as long as it is site plan specific. Any redevelopment of this property will have to come back to the board of commissioners as an Other Business Item. In addition, we recommend that the requested variance be for this business only. In the event of any change in the ownership of the property, a change in the business use of the property, or a change in the ownership and/or operator of the current business, the variance will be vacated and the property brought up to commercial code standards.
Planning Commissioners Action: Approved 4-0 subject to stipulations.
Board of Commissioners Action: Approved 5-0 subject to stipulations.