
We’re glad you’re considering membership in the East Cobb Civic Association! The benefits are many, as you will have the opportunity to:

  • Network with your neighbors, including other homeowners association representatives and individual members.
  • Get notifications of our membership meetings that feature speakers from key governmental and community organizations.
  • Obtain information and provide input on zonings, variances and other matters affecting our community.
  • Receive our monthly Email Blast that provides important notices and information on community activities that may be of interest to our neighborhoods.
  • Be a part of an organization that is an advocate for our community on issues affecting our quality of life.

Dues and Application

New members, whether individuals or those representing subdivisions or homeowners’ associations, are welcome and encouraged to join at any time during the year, with no late payment penalties. For 2022, dues are as follows:

  • Individual membership is $20.
  • Subdivision dues are $55 for fewer than 75 homes, and $115 for 75 homes and greater.

For current members, ECCA dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year with a deadline of March 31, after which a late fee of $20 will be added. At the end of the second quarter, June 30, those members who have not renewed their membership are dropped from the rolls. Past members do not receive regular communications from the ECCA.

2025 ECCA Membership Application