Search Tags<Emerson Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Inc, R-20, Holly Springs Road, Frankie Lane, Mobile Classrooms renewal and new>
Emerson Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Inc, 770/578-1533, represented by Jeanne Styron, 770-428-3316, requests a Land Use Permit for Mobile Classrooms (renewal and new).
Located on the west side of Holly Springs Road, south of Frankie Lane (2799 Holly Springs Road, District 16, Land Lot 552, Parcel 5.
Size of tract is: 5.512 acres
Current zoning: R-20
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Holly Woods Subdivision); East: R-20 (Holly Springs East Subdivision); South: R-20 (Holly Springs Subdivision); West: R-20 (Holly Springs Subdivision)
Current Land Use: Low Density Residential & Public Institutional
Case Manager: Don Farrell
Planning Commissioner: Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner: Tim Lee
Proposed Use: Mobile Classrooms-renewal and new classrooms
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
Staff recommends: Approval for 12 months subject to staff comments
ECCA recommends: No Action-support staff recommendations
Planning Commissioners Action: No Action
Board of Commissioners Action: Approved 5-0