Petition SLUP-14

Search Tags<T-Mobile South, LLC, R-30, Jamerson Road, Jett Road, 135’ Telecommunications Tower>

Lannie Greene, 678/920-1262, representing T-Mobile South, LLC, requests a Special Land Use Permit for a 135 ft. telecommunications tower and equipment.

Located on the north side of Jamerson Road, west of Jett Road, District 16, Land Lot 55, Parcel 7.

Current zoning: R-30

Contiguous zoning is:  North: R-15 (Willow Creek Subdivision); East: R-30; South: R-20; West: R-15

Current Land Use: Public Institutional

Case Manager: Tanya Roberts
Planning Commissioner: Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner: Tim Lee

Proposed Use: 135 ft. Telecommunications Tower and Equipment

Staff Comments:

Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis

Please click for Final Zoning Analysis

Staff recommends: Approval

ECCA recommends: Oppose

Planning Commissioners Action: Denied 4-1

Board of Commissioners Action:  Denied 5-0