Petition V-36

Search Tags <Realm Realty, PSC, Powers Ferry Road, Terrell Mill Road, Existing structures>

Realm Realty, 713-465-0001, represented by Steven Griggs, 713-579-3297 requests to: 1) waive the front setback from the required 100 ft. to 28 ft. for the existing building; 2) the front setback from 100 ft. to 50 ft. for the future building; 3) waive the 40 ft. buffer to 10 ft at the southwest corner of the property; and 4) waive the required number of parking spaces from the required 434 parking spaces to 409.

Property is located on the southwest intersection of Powers Ferry Road and Terrell Road in District 17, Land Lot 923, Parcel 916.

Size of tract is 7.62 acres

Current zoning: PSC

Contiguous zoning is:  North: GC; South: GC; West: NS; East: CRC, RM-12.

Future Land Use: Community Activity Center

Case Manager is Eric Jacobsen

Zoning Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Kim Swanson

Reason:  Existing buildings, unusual shape of lot

Staff Comments:

Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis

Please click for Final Variance Analysis

ECCA position:  Approval

Appeals and Variances Action: Approved 5-0