Search Tags <Gary Conrad, Steve Sharp, PD, Bridgegate Drive, Bridgegate Cove, rear setback>
Gary Conrad, 770-579-8753, represented by Steve Sharp, 770-608-3933, requests waiving the rear setback on lot 23 from the required 35 feet to 22 feet.
Property is located on the east side of Bridgegate Drive, south of Bridgegate Cove (929 Bridgegate Drive); 16th District, Land Lot 984, Parcel 30.
Size of tract is 0.136 acres or 5,820 s.f.
Present zoning is PD (minimum 8,400 s.f. lots)
Contiguous zoning is:
North: PD (Bridgegate subdivision);
East: R-15 (Ashbrooke subdivision);
South: PD (Bridgegate subdivision);
West: PD (Bridgegate subdivision)).
Land use category: Low Density Residential (LDR)
Case manager is Jill Flamm
BZA board member is Kim Swanson
BZA board member is Kim Swanson
Reason: My wife is allergic and sensitive to mosquitoes. We just want to be able to use the backyard. We just want to make our existing deck into a screened-in porch so we can use our backyard..
Staff Comments:
Click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No Action. While tract appears to exceed impervious surface limits for comparable zoning categories, the “PD” zoning does not limit impervious surface percentage.
Variance does not appear to be properly posted when the case manager visited the site.
Maximum impervious surface % allowed: 35% (2,037 s.f.)
Current impervious surface % (GIS measurement): 48% (2,780 s.f.)
Maximum impervious surface % planned: Unknown
BZA Action APPROVED. Porch can be roofed and screened, but cannot be heated or cooled.