Search Tags <Jonathan Khoshnood, NRC, Johnson Ferry Road, Shallowford Road, Kioks, Vending Machine, Dumpster>
Jonathan Khoshnood, 770-643-5991, representing himself, requests to: 1) Allow a dumpster/dumpster enclosure to the side of the primary structure; 2) allow an accessory structure to the side of the primary structure (proposed kiosk on the east side of building); and 3) allow an accessory structure to the front of the primary structure (proposed DVD vending machine).
Property is located on the southwest intersection of Shallowford Road and Johnson Ferry Road, (4324 Shallowford Road); District 16, Land Lot 467, Parcel 15.
Size of tract is 1 acre
Current zoning: NRC
Contiguous zoning is: North: O & I; East: PSC; West: R-20 (Johnson Ferry Estates); South: NRC
Future Land Use: Neighborhood Activity Center
Case Manager is Jill Flamm
Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
Reason: DVD Vending Machine, Kiosk, Dumpster relocation
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: We have no objection to the relocation of the dumpster as it will make it less visible to the neighborhood and he said he has his neighbors consent. However, we recommend the variances for the accessory structures be denied. There is no hardship due to the shape or topology of the land. These structures could be located in the store already on the property or by the expansion of the store without a variance.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action: Approved 5-0 item 1 and denied items 2 & 3.