Search Tags <Darshana and Jayesh T. Sheth, R-20, LRO, Canton Road, Rosedale Drive, Professional Office>
Darshana and Jayesh T. Sheth, 770/951-1565, represented by Jayesh Sheth, 770/951-1565, requests rezoning from R-20 to LRO for a Professional Office.
Property is located on the east side of Canton Road, south of Rosedale Drive (2476 Canton Road); 16th District, Land Lot 637, Parcel 20.
Size of tract is .73 acres
Current zoning: R-20
Contiguous zoning is:
North: PSC; East: R-20 (Marietta-Canton Highway Subdivision; South: LRC; West: GC,
Current land use is Neighborhood Activity Center.
Case manager is Roger Phelps
Planning Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner is Tim Lee
Proposed use: Professional Offices
The applicant is requesting the LRO zoning for professional offices. Surrounding properties in use are businesses and professional offices
The hours of operation will be 6:00 a.m. to 11:00p.m Monday through Sunday.
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
Staff Recommendation: Approve.
ECCA position: No Action
Planning Commission Action: Approved 5-0
Board of Commissioners: Approved 5-0