Brooks Chadwick Capital, 404-281-4554, represented by Kevin Moore, 770-429-1499, requests a special land use permit for a self-storage facility for Building 500 in the shopping center.
Located on the east side of Sandy Plains Road, south of Shallowford Road.
Size of tract: 13.84 Acres
Contiguous zoning is: North: CRC; East: R-15 (Cutters Gap Subdivision) and CRC; South: R-20 (Cobb County Facilities); West: CRC
Future Land Use: Public Institution
Planning Commissioner: Judy Williams
District Commissioner: JoAnn Birrell
Case Manager: Trish Steiner/Jill Flamm
Reason: Self-storage Facility in Building 500
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
Staff recommends: Approval
ECCA recommends: Approval subject to the stipulation letter dated 1/31/18 with the associated site plan and rendering.
Planning Commission Recommends: Approved 4-1 subject to the stipulation letter dated 1/31/18.
Board of Commissioners: Approved 5-0 subject to the stipulation letters dated 1/31/18, 2/19/18 and site plan