Applicant Antonios Sideris, 770-361-8555, requests to:1) Reduce the side setback from required 10 feet to 6.4 feet (existing) adjacent to the eastern property line; 2) reduce the rear setback from required 30 feet to 17.8 feet (existing); 3) allow parking and/or maneuvering of vehicles on a non-hardened and treated surface (existing gravel); and 4) increase the maximum allowable fence height from six (6′) feet to eight and a half (8.5′) feet on the sides and twelve and a half (12.5′) feet in rear.
Property is located: at the northern terminus of Old Hunters Trace and on the south side of Johnson Ferry Road (1620 Old Hunter’s Trace)
Present Zoning: R-15
ECCA Case Manager: Chris Lindstrom
BZA Commissioner: Bryant McDaniel
Reason: reduce traffic noise and promote better sleep of owner and lessen owner’s tinnitus
Staff Comments:
Please Click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please Click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA recommends: Approval subject to additional stipulations
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 5-0 subject to additional stipulations.