Applicant, North American Properties, represented by Mike Lant, 404-946-0948, requests to change the original site plan to add jewel box buildings in parking field (retail/restaurant proposed). The current title holder is CP Venture 5 – AEC, LLC.
Additional Information:
Property consists of a retail and restaurant center known as “Avenue of East Cobb” and located at 4475 Roswell Road.
Contiguous Zonings: North: (PRD) – East Hampton-Lakeside subdivision; Northwest: (R-20) – Ivywood and Bishop’s Hollow subdivisions; South: (R-15) – Heritage Glen subdivision; East: (PRD) – East Hampton-The Village subdivision; and West: (O&I and PSC). Future Land Use: CAC. Present zoning: CRC and LRO Size of Tract: 29.63 acres.
Case Managers: Richard Grome / Jill Flamm
District 2 Commissioner: Jerica Richardson
Reason: Applicant would like to change to the original site plan by adding two (2) jewel box buildings in the parking field. In discussions with the applicant ECCA also knows the applicant would like to add valet parking stand and add a small amphitheater within the north side of the central building. However, the applicant has failed to state this on their application.
Staff comments:
Please click for Preliminary Other Business
Please click for Final Other Business
ECCA Recommends: Approval subject to site plan, renderings, additional stipulations and staff comments.
Board of Commissioners: Approved subject to site plan, renderings, additional stipulations and staff comments.