Jonathan Tucker, 404-403-8673, represented by Jennifer Tucker, 770-826-4064, requests to reduce the side setback for an accessory structure under 650 sq ft (existing coop) from the required 25 feet to 7 feet. Additional variances required to allow 8 hens instead of 7 and for two story detached garage within 5 ft of the property line.
Property is located at 822 Fox Hollow Parkway within the Fox Hollow subdivision.
Contiguous Zonings:
North: (R-20) – Fox Hollow subdivision
South: (R-20) – Indian Hills subdivision
East: (R-20) – Indian Hills subdivision
West: (R-20) – Fox Hollow subdivision
ECCA Case Manager: Marvin Shams
Size of Tract: 0.88 acre
BZA District 2 Commissioner: Kim Swanson
Reason: The homeowners currently have an existing coop built too close to the property line.
Staff Comments:
Please click for: Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for: Final Variance Analysis
ECCA Recommendation: Denial of variance for coop. No recommendation on number of hens or built garage.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approval of hens and garage subject to additional stipulations and denial of variance for coop.