Petition V-36 (March)

Applicant, James and Ruthie Sagar, 762-436-4173, represented by Michael Stanley, 770-509-5191, requests 1) Reduce the side setback for an accessory structure under 650 square feet (proposed one story 600-square-foot garage) from required ten (10′) feet to five (5′) feet adjacent to the south property line; and 2) reduce the side setback for an accessory structure (existing 179-square-foot shed) from required ten (10′) feet to five (5′) feet adjacent to the south property line.

Additional Information:

The Applicant states that the addition of a garage outside the side setback line compromises the function of the existing garage and the new one as there is not enough space to get in and out of both.


The Applicant request to reduce the side setback from 10’ to 5’ on the garage side of the home to allow for a garage addition to be installed with room enough to get in and out of the turn-around.

Size of tract: .91 acres.

Current zoning: R-20

ECCA Case Manager: Ben Alper

District 3 BZA Commissioner: Alice Summerour

Staff Comments:

Please click for BZA Preliminary Analysis

Please click for BZA Final Analysis

ECCA recommendation: Not Available

Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Not Available