Search Tags<R. David & M. Kay Clark, R-30, R-15, Oak Forest Circle, Oak Forest Drive, subdivision>
R. David and M. Kay Clark, 678-342-2452, represented by Patrick Clark, 770-231-5637, requests a rezoning from R-30 to R-15 for a subdivision.
Property is located on the East side of Oak Forest Circle, northeast of the terminus of Oak Forest Drive, east of Johnson Ferry Road (4040 Oak Forest Circle), District 16, Land Lot 759, Parcel 42.
Size of tract is: 7.478 acres
Current zoning: R-30
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Charrington Subdivision); East: R-15 (Bishops Green Subdivision; South: R-30; West: R-20 (Oakhill Green Subdivision)
Future Land Use: Low density residential
Case Manager: Jill Flamm
Planning Commissioner: Mike Terry
District Commissioner: Bob Ott
Proposed Use: Subdivision
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
Staff recommends: Approval
ECCA recommends: Approval subject to additional stipulations
Planning Commission Action (August, September): Continued
Planning Commission Action (October): Continued
Planning Commission Action (November): Approved 4-1 subject to the site plan, stipulation letter dated 11/4/13 plus additional stipulations.
Board of Commissioners Action: Approved 5-0 subject to the stipulation letter dated 11/18/13, site plan, and additional stipulations.