Search Tags < James F. McDonald, GC, Hazelwood Drive, Hamby Road, Water Proble,>
James F. McDonald, 404-554-7262, representing himself requests to: 1) Waive the minimum lot area from required 20,000 square feet to 10, 957 square feet; 2) waive the front setback from required 40 feet to 34.2 feet; and 3) waive the maximum allowable impervious surface from 70% to 78%.
Property is located on the north side of Hazelwood Drive, west of Hamby Road (1757 Hazelwood Drive).
Size of tract is 0.25 acres
Current zoning: GC
Contiguous zoning is: North: GC; South: GC; West: GC; East: GC.
Future Land Use: Community Activity Center
Zoning Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Water Problem
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No Action
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action: Approved 5-0