Search Tags < Randall Riemersma, R-20, Tuscany Park Drive, Old Canton Road, Existing structures>
Randall Riemersma, 404-307-3201, representing themselves request to waive the maximum allowable impervious surface percentage from the required 35% to 43%.
Property is located on the north side of Tuscany Park Drive, west of Old Canton Road (3019 Tuscany Park Drive).
Size of tract is .469 acres
Current zoning: R-20
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20; South: R-20; West: R-20; East: R-20
Future Land Use: Low Density Residential
Case Manager is Eric Jacobsen
Zoning Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Existing Structures
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA discussion: There is a hardship due to the shape of the land. Recommend a stipulation that no additional impervious surface be added in the future.
ECCA recommendation: We will not be taking any action on this petition.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action: Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action: Approved 5-0 subject to: 1)
Approximately 2,800 square feet of roof runoff from right rear side of the house to be diverted from the gutter system into a dry well; 2) Site Plan Review Division comments and recommendations; 3) Stormwater Management Division comments and recommendations.