Search Tags <Sosnowski, R-20, Jamerson Road, Deen Road, polygraph, polygraph examinations>
Dan & Karen Sosnowski, 770-517-7730, represented by Karen Sosnowski, 770-517-7730, requests a renewal of the Land Use Permit for a Professional Office for Polygraph Examinations.
Property is located on the north side of Jamerson Road, east of Deen Road (1069 Jamerson Road, not in a subdivision); 16th District, Land Lot 59, Parcel 6.
Size of tract is 0.50 acres
Current zoning is R-20Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20 (unplatted residential); East: RA-4 (Emerald Gardens subdivision); South: R-20 (Lawrence Estates subdivision); West: R-20 (unplatted residential).
Current land use is Low Density Residential.
Land to the south is Industrial Compatible.
Land to the west is Industrial Compatible and Neighborhood Activity Center.
Land to the south is Industrial Compatible.
Land to the west is Industrial Compatible and Neighborhood Activity Center.
Case manager is Roger Phelps
Planning Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner is Tim Lee
Planning Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner is Tim Lee
Proposed use: Polygraph Services
Total employees: One
Days of operation: 5 days or less
Hours of operation: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Number of nonresidents coming to the house:
Clients: 4 per day, 8-10 per week
Employees: 1 per day, 5 or less per week
Clients, customers, sales people or employees park: DrivewaySigns: No
Number of vehicles used for business kept at property: 1
Deliveries: No
Applicant lives in house: No
Any outdoor storage: No
Any storage of inventory: No
Length of time needed or requested: 2 years or longer.
Additional relevant information: None)
Maximum impervious surface % allowed / planned: 35% /
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
Staff recommends APPROVAL:
The applicant’s proposal is not located a platted subdivision. The applicant’s proposal, as summarized in the planning comments is proposed to be a part time business, with little impact on the surrounding properties.
Staff is not aware of any problems or complaints regarding the previously approved LUP. The applicant will not have any exterior evidence that a business is being operated from this house. Staff would be reluctant to recommend approval without stipulations controlling how the business is operated.
Based on the above analysis, Staff recommends APPROVAL for 12 months subject to:
- Hours of operation from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.;
- Maximum of one employee;
- Clients park in the driveway;
- No Signage, and no outdoor storage;
- Maximum one commercial delivery per month;
ECCA position: .NO ACTION
Planning Commission Action (unofficial): Recommended APPROVAL with stipulations.
Board of Commissioners Action (unofficial): APPROVED with stipulations.