Search Tags <Marie Jean, personal care home, Sandy Plains Road, Walker Drive, low density residential>
Marie Jean, 678-401-4138, representing herself, requests a Land Use Permit for a Personal Care Home.
Property is located on the south side of Sandy Plains Road, west of Walker Drive (3070 Sandy Plains Road, Sandy Plains subdivision); 16th District, Land Lot 482, Parcel 14.
Size of tract is 0.50 acres
Current zoning is R-20
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Cherry Tree Lake); East: R-20 (Sandy Plains); South: R-20 (Sandy Plains); West: R-20 (Sandy Plains).
Current land use is Low Density Residential.
Case manager is Paul Frickey
Planning Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
District Commissioner is Tim Lee
Proposed use: Personal Care Home
Total employees: One
Days of operation: 7 days
Hours of operation: 24 hours
Number of nonresidents coming to the house: No response
Clients, customers, sales people or employees park: Driveway, clients do not have a car
Signs: No
Number of vehicles used for business kept at property: 1
Deliveries: No
Applicant lives in house: Yes
Any outdoor storage: No
Any storage of inventory: No
Length of time needed or requested: As soon as possible.
Additional relevant information: See Exhibit A (below)
Maximum impervious surface % allowed / planned: 35% /
Exhibit A
To Whom It May Concern:
I, Earlene Tinsley, placed my mother, Mrs. Laura Carnes, in the care of Chery’s Angel Personal Care Home for several reasons. Firstly, every nursing home that she was admitted to kicked her out due to her behavior, mostly verbally. She was very agitated and they said she was too much for them to handle. However, after admitting her in the care of Chery’s Angel PCH, she made a tremendous improvement behavior wise. She is no longer very agitated, she likes the home she is living in and gets along with everybody. Unfortunately, my sister and I can not afford to pay for Moms’ care out of our own pockets, so we signed her up for Medicare, but Chery’s Angel PCH is not a Medicaid provider, but Marie Jean is willing to become one in order for us to have our mother stay there because we love her being under the care of Marie Jean, and can’t imagine her being elsewhere. If you could kindly approve her request so that she may be allowed to have 7 beds, in order for her to be a Medicare Chery’s Angel Person Care Home, my sister and I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Earlene Tinsley.
If you have questions you can reach me at 770-888-8192
Staff Comments:
Preliminary Zoning Analysis is here
Final Zoning Analysis is here
Staff recommends:
The applicant’s proposal is located in a residential area, and is designated as Low Density Residential on the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. The applicant will not have any exterior evidence that a business is being operated from this house. The area is residential in nature, but has experienced pressure in recent years to become commercialized. There are other personal care homes on Sandy Plains Road, and there is a need for this use. Approving the application would keep the property residential. Staff would be reluctant to recommend approval of this LUP without stipulations controlling the property.
Based on the above analysis, Staff recommends APPROVAL for 12 months subject to:
- Maximum of seven residents;
- No signs, no outdoor storage, and no deliveries;
- Fire Department comments (obtain permit for additional residents. Call Cobb County Fire Marshal’s Office for an Appointment); and
- DOT comments and recommendations (applicant be required to meet all Cobb County Development Standards and Ordinances related to project improvements).
ECCA position: Oppose. Not owner occupied. Too intense for location. Current facility is too small to support requested number of patients. No adequate plans for improvement. Improvements would increase the scale of facility beyond the current neighborhood character.
Planning Commission Recommendation (unofficial): Denied
Board of Commissioners: Denied