Petition SLUP-6

Search Tags <Metro North Soccer, R-20 R-30, R-40, R-80, Paper Mill Road, Johnson Ferry Road, Lighting Soccer Fields  >

Metro North Soccer, 770-329-1030, represented by John Bujarski, 770-329-1030.  requests a special land use permit for lighting soccer fields.

Located on the north side of Paper Mill Road, west of Johnson Ferry Road, District 1, Land Lots 5,6,73, Parcel 1.

Size of tract is 28 acres

Current zoning: R-20, R-30,R-40,R-80

Contiguous zoning is: North:R-20 (Fainview Farms Subdivision), East: O&I; South: R-20; West R-20

Current land use is Low Density Residential & Parks/Recreation/conservation

Case manager is Joe Gavalis
Planning Commissioner is Mike Terry
District Commissioner is Bob Ott

Proposed Use: Lighting Soccer Fields

Staff Comments:

Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis

Please click for Final Zoning Analysis

Staff recommends: Denial

ECCA recommends:  Oppose Previous LUP’s have stipulated no lights.  Fields are surrounded by residences. Lights on their fields change their quality of life in their homes and increased traffic and noise affects the surrounding neighborhoods.

Planning Commissioners Action: Denied 5-0

Board of Commissioners Action:  Withdrawn without prejudice by applicant. Approved 4-0