Search Tags <Michael Paris, R-40, East Blackland Court, Woodland Drive, road frontage>
Michael E. Paris, 770-813-3371, representing himself, requests the waiver of public road frontage on lots 16A and 16B from the required 50 feet to 27 feet.
Property is located on the north side of East Blackland Court east of Woodland Drive (150 East Blackland Court, Sanders Field Estates); 16th District, Land Lot 1189, Parcel 33.
Size of tract is 2.13 acres or 92,783 s.f.
Present zoning is R-40 (40,000 s.f. lots)
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20 (Boulevard at Woodlawn); East: R-40 (Sanders Field Estates); South: R-40 (Sanders Field Estates); West: R-40 (Sanders Field Estates).
Land use category: Low Density Residential (LDR)
Case manager is Mike Gerritts
BZA board member is Tom McCleskey
BZA board member is Tom McCleskey
Reason: Hardship would be created by following the normal terms of the ordinance. We would like to have the opportunity to build two homes on our 2.1 acre lot, which would be permitted under the current R-40 zoning category. The lots would be one acre or slightly larger. The lot sizes are consistent with the lot sizes on Blackland Drive and East Blackland Court. Any new construction will meet current set back and impervious area requirements.
The lot has been our home since 1992 and the existing house which is 41 years old, is in serious need of renovation. Our current home is not compatible with the newer homes being constructed in the area and lacks the amenities available in those homes. Constructing two new homes on this site is the only way we can provide for us to have a comfortable and up-to-date living situation. Furthermore, the cost and time to keep up the two acres we have now has become burdensome as we grow older.
Our hardship is that due to the severe triangular shape of our lot, our road frontage is 54.92 feet and there is no way for us to realize our dream without some relief. Therefore, we are requesting the Boards consideration of reducing the road frontage for each proposed lot from the required 50 feet to 27.46 feet.
Staff Comments:
Click for Preliminary Variance Analysis:
Click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: Not available yet. Tentatively, we support the position of the Chattahoochee Plantation Homeowners Association
Maximum impervious surface % allowed: 30% (27,835 s.f. or approximately 23,900 s.f. per lot)
Maximum impervious surface % planned: Unknown
BZA Action Case not heard yet.