Search Tags <Derik Rodgers, R-20, Robin Lane, Freydale Road, room addition>
Derik Rogers.678-990-5656, representing himself, requests the following: 1)Waive the rear setback on lot 6 from the required 35 feet to 29 feet; 2)waive the side setback adjacent to the north property line from 10 feet to 8 feet (for existing carport); 3)waive the side setback for an accessory structure (existing sheds 1 and 2) from 5 feet to 1 foot; and 4) allow an accessory structure to the side of the primary structure for shed 1.
Property is located on the west side of Robin Lane, south of Freydale Road (488 Robin Lane); 17th District, Land Lot 791, Parcel 106.
Size of tract is 0.276 acres
Current zoning: R-20
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20 (Red Oak Park subdivision); East: R-20 (Red Oak Park subdivision) South: R-20 (Red Oak Park subdivision); West R-15 (Red Oak Park subdivision).
Current land use is Low Density Residential.
Case manager is Roger Phelps
Planning Commissioner is Kim Swanson
District Commissioner is Bob Ott
Planning Commissioner is Kim Swanson
District Commissioner is Bob Ott
Reason: Additional room needed to provide space to care for aging Father/stroke victim
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
Staff recommends not available yet.
ECCA position: NO ACTION.
Board of Zoning Appeals Action: Approve 5-0