Search Tags <Alcon Holdings, LLC, O & I, LRO, Johnson Ferry Road, Lower Roswell Road, Small Road Frontage>
Alcon Holdings, LLC., 678-467-9582, represented by Frank Bennett, 678-467-9582, requests to: 1) waive the side setback for a freestanding sign from the required 10 ft. to 2 ft. and; 2) allow a freestanding sign with a reader board on a lot with less than 200 ft. of public road frontage.
Property is located on the west side of Johnson Ferry Road, south of Lower Roswell Road ( 505 Johnson Ferry Road), District 1, Land Lot 70, Parcel 19.
Size of tract is 2.17 acres
Current zoning: O & I, LRO
Contiguous zoning is: North: O & I; South: NS; West: R-15 (Wyndam Manor Subdivision); East: R-20.
Future Land Use: Community Activity Center
Case Manager is Trish Steiner
Zoning Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Small Road Frontage
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No action as the reader board has been dropped and the sign will be monument based. Existing sign to be replace and the office park will move and replace their sign.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action: Approved Item 2 5-0.