Petition V-51

Search Tags <Imamian=Arabi,Hacienda Court, Rio Montana, Alemda Drive>

Mansour Imamian-Arabi, 404-516-1044, representing himself, requests waiver of the side setback from the required 10 feet to 6 feet adjacent to the western property line on lot 60.

Property is located at the south side of Hacienda Court, south of Alemda Drive (3072 Hacienda Court, Rio Montana subdivision); 16th District, Land Lot 518, Parcel 10.

Size of tract is 0.66 acres.
Present zoning is R-20
Contiguous zoning is:  North: R-20 (Rio Montana);  East: R-20 (Rio Montana);  South: R-20 (Rio Montana);  West: R-20 (Rio Montana)
Land use category:  Low Density Residential
Case manager is Roger Phelps
BZA board member is Christi Trombetti
Reason:  Variance is needed to follow ordinance.

Staff Comments: 
Preliminary Variance Analysis is here
Final Variance Analysis is here

ECCA position:  NO ACTION.  Applicant has no stated hardship.

BZA Action (unofficial):  APPROVED