Search Tags <William Ryan, PD, Township Cove Road, Jefferson Township Parkway, Jefferson Township, side setback>
William Ryan, 770-778-5580, represented by Wendy Ryan, 770-645-5580, requests waiving the side setback on lot 102 from the required 25 feet to 17 feet.
Property is located at the southeasterly side of Township Cove Road, east of Jefferson Township Parkway (4996 Turtle Cove Road, Jefferson Township subdivision); 16th District, Land Lots 30 & 43, Parcel 21.
Size of tract is 1.79 acres.
Present zoning is PD (Planned Development)
Contiguous zoning is: North: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision);
East: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision);
South: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision);
West: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision)
East: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision);
South: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision);
West: PD (Jefferson Township subdivision)
Land use category: Very Low Density Residential
Case manager is David Hong
BZA board member is Christi Trombetti
BZA board member is Christi Trombetti
Reason: Homeowner could not optimize use of buildable area currently available to locate a screen porch.
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
Development & Inspections: If this variance request is approved, a plat revision must be recorded reflecting the conditions of the variance. The surveyor must submit the revised subdivision plat to the Site Plan Review Section, Community Development Agency for review and approval prior to recording. Call 770-528-2147.
Stormwater Management: It appears that the proposed structure cannot be located within the current setback without blocking access to the existing carport. If approved, the eastern edge of the driveway should be curbed to keep additional runoff from impacting adjacent property to the east.
ECCA position: No Action
BZA Action (unofficial): APPROVE subject to:
- Development and Inspections comments
- Sewer Comments
- Only for the improvements shown on the site plan