Search Tags <Dustin Kirchner, R-30, Trickum Road, Tremont Drive, detached garage>
Dustin Kirchner, 678-520-8633, representing himself, 770-443-3927 requests to waive the following setbacks: 1) 100 feet to 17 feet to the north property line, 2) 100 feet to 41 feet to the east property line, and (3) 100 feet to 52 feet adjacent to the south property line for the purpose of an accessory structure, a proposed 1800 square feet detached garage.
Property is located on the east side of Trickum Road, south of Tremont Drive, (4790 Trickum Road); District 16, Land Lot 51, Parcel 075
Size of tract is .79 acres
Current zoning: R-30
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-30; East: R-15 (Turtle Rock subdivision); South: R-15 (Waterford subdivision); West: R-15 (Tremont subdivision)
Future Land Use: Low Density Residential
Case Manager is Roger Phelps
Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
Reason: 1800 Square Foot Accessory Garage Structure
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: Oppose. No hardship due to the shape of the lot or the topology of the land.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action (Sept): Hold for 30 days 5-0 for applicant to bring in site plans and confer with neighbors.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action (Oct): Denied 5-0. Applicant did not show up and there was opposition.