Search Tags <Jay Paul B. Gapuzan, R-15, Lessie Maude Drive, Lessie Court, accessory structure>
Jay Paul B. Gapuzan, 678-836-5304, representing himself, requests to: 1) Allow an accessory structure to the side of the primary structure; and 2) waive the rear setback for an accessory structure from the required 35 ft. to 10 ft. on lot 16 for an accessory structure.
Property is located on the southeast intersection of Lessie Maude Drive and Lessie Court, (1201 Lessie Court) in District 16, Land Lot 661, Parcel 25.
Size of tract is .37 acres
Current zoning: R-15
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Powell Station Subdivision); South: R-15 (Powell Station Subdivision); West: R-15 (Powell Station Subdivision); East: R-15 (Powell Station Subdivision)
Future Land Use: Low Density Residential
Case Manager is Tanya Roberts
Zoning Appeals and Variances Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
Reason: Accessory Structure
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No Position
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances Action: Deny item 1 and approve item 2 4-1 subject to Development and Inspections divisions comments and approval and size (240 sq ft) and architecture of the accessory structure per rendering submitted.