Search Tags <Kathy Broussard, R-15, Sloans Way, Carol Drive, Accessory structures>
Kathy Broussard. 770-579-2234, representing herself, requests to:
1) Waive the rear setback on lot 16 for an accessory structure over 144 sq. ft. (proposed tool shed over 192 sq. ft.) from the required 30 ft. to 6 ft. ; and
2) Waive the side setback adjacent to the north property line from 10 ft. to 9 ft. (existing).
Property is located on the west side of Sloans Way, north of Carol Drive (2990 Sloans Way); 16th District, Land Lot 526, Parcel 48.
Size of tract is .24 acres
Current zoning: R-15
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Christopher Corner Subdivision); East: R-15 (Christopher Corner Subdivision); South: R-15 (Christopher Corner Subdivision); West: RA-4 (Harper Woods Subdivision)
Current land use is Low Density Residential.
Case manager is Roger Phelps
Zoning Appeals Commissioner is Christi Trombetti
Reason: Aesthetics and lower property value
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No Action
Board of Zoning Appeals Action: Approved 5-0