Search Tags <William G. West, R-15, Gatestone Way, Rivers Call Boulevard, Pool, Spa, Grilling Area>
William G. West. 770-435-9186, representing himself, requests to waive the impervious surface on lot 49 from the maximum allowable of 35% to 65%.
Property is located on the west side of Gatestone Way, south of Rivers Call Boulevard (1430 Gatestone Way); 17th District, Land Lots 1104 & 1037, Parcel 38.
Size of tract is 0.372 acres
Current zoning: R-15
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Rivers Call Subdivision); East: R-15 (Rivers Call Subdivision); South: R-15 (Rivers Call Subdivision); West R-15 (Rivers Call Subdivision).
Current land use is Low Density Residential
Case manager is Eric Jacobson
Zoning Appeals Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Pool, Spa, and Grilling Area
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: Oppose. High amount of impervious surface sets a bad precedent for the area. No topographical hardship.
Board of Zoning Appeals Action (Oct): Continued 30 Days
Board of Zoning Appeals Action (Nov): Continued 30 Days
Withdrawn without prejudice by applicant