Search Tags <Platinum Auto SPA, Inc, CRC, Johnson Ferry Road, Lower Roswell Road, Canopy>
Platinum Auto SPA, Inc. 678-560-5060, represented by Robert Burrows, 678-560-5060, requests to waive the front setback from the required 50 ft. to 18 ft.
Property is located on the west side of Johnson Ferry Road, north Lower Roswell Road (1075 Johnson Ferry Road); 1st District, Land Lot 67, Parcel 4.
Size of tract is 0.793 acres
Current zoning: CRC
Contiguous zoning is: North: CRC; East: RSL; South: R-20 (Johnson Ferry Baptist Church); West R-20 (Johnson Ferry Baptist Church).
Current land use is Low Density Residential
Case manager is Trish Steiner
Zoning Appeals Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Canopy for workers
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: Oppose. Applicant was told to come back with major changes to the application over a year ago. He has not done so. The only hardship presented in this case is that he is trying to do too much on this property. This case should be denied.
Board of Zoning Appeals Action (Nov): Continued until May 2010,
Board of Zoning Appeals Action (May): Withdrawn by staff, not needed.