Raymond Crepeau, 770-321-2217, representing himself, requests:
- Waive the rear setback on lot 12 from the required 20 feet to 12 feet;
- Waive the side setback from 5 feet to 4.6 feet (existing); and
- Waive the front setback from 15 feet to 14 feet (existing)
Property is located on the south side of Lake Holcomb Lane, south of Holcomb Lake Road (1573 Lake Holcomb Lane, Lake Holcomb subdivision); 16th District, Land Lot 848, Parcel 135.
Size of tract is 0.14 acres or 6,230 s.f. (from plan)
Minimum RA-5 lot size is 7,000 s.f.
Minimum RA-5 lot size is 7,000 s.f.
Present zoning is RA-5
Contiguous zoning is: North: RA-5 (Lake Holcomb subdivision); East: RA-5 (Lake Holcomb subdivision); South: City of Marietta medium density residential; West: RA-5 (Lake Holcomb subdivision).
Contiguous zoning is: North: RA-5 (Lake Holcomb subdivision); East: RA-5 (Lake Holcomb subdivision); South: City of Marietta medium density residential; West: RA-5 (Lake Holcomb subdivision).
Land use category: Medium Density Residential
Case manager is Paul Frickey
BZA board member is Christi Trombetti
BZA board member is Christi Trombetti
Reason: We cannot be outside due to the elements unless we have a screened-in porch.
Staff Comments:
Click for Preliminary Variance Analysis:
Click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position:
Recommend denial. Generally we would not be opposed to a variance request of this nature. However, in this instance, we feel compelled to object on principle. It appears that almost 50% of the property will be covered by impervious surface.
This is another example of overbuilding on an undersized lot. Unfortunately this situation seems to be an increasingly common problem.
Although we don’t see any clearly defined hardship, the applicant is not suffering from a strict and literal interpretation of the zoning ordinance due to topographical or other site features … instead, the home owner is merely faced with a problem of wanting to build too much on too small a parcel.
Maximum impervious surface % allowed: 40% (2,492 s.f.)
Maximum impervious surface % planned: 48.7%, based on 3,034 s.f. from tax records and applicant’s variance petition (does not include driveway and walks)
If applicant’s lot was the minimum 7,000 s.f., the current house, walks and driveway would still exceed the maximum 40% impervious surface percentage.
BZA Action (unofficial): APPROVED with stipulations:
- Only for single improvement shown on site plan
- Subject to all staff comments and recommendations