Search Tags <Alan Whitehouse, R-15, Robinson Farms Road, Robinson Road, Reduce side setback>
Alan Whitehouse, 706-284-2552, represented by Thomas E. Peay, 678-355-9905, requests to waive the side setback on lot 56 from the required 10 ft. to 8ft. adjacent to the western property line.
Property is located on the south side of Robinson Farms Drive, south of Robinson Road (747 Robinson Farms Drive); 16th District, Land Lot 1052, Parcel 18.
Size of tract is: .46 acres
Current zoning: R-15
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-15 (Robinson Farms Subdivision); East: R-15 (Robinson Farms Subdivision); South: R-15 (Robinson Farms Subdivision); West R-15 (Robinson Farms pool).
Current land use is Low Density Residential
Case manager is Jill Flamm
Zoning Appeals Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Foundation 18 inches over side setback (existing)
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No Action
Board of Zoning Appeals Action: Approved 5-0