Search Tags <The Muntzing Sattele Company, NS, Johnson Ferry Road, Roswell Road, Reduce number of parking spaces>
The Muntzing Sattele Company, 770-396-1099, represented by Garvis L. Sams, 770-422-7016, requests to waive the number of parking spaces from the required 384 spaces to 345 spaces.
Property is located on the south side of Johnson Ferry Road, south of Roswell Road (1255 Johnson Ferry Road); 16th District, Land Lot 901, Parcel 18.
Size of tract is: 7.59 acres
Current zoning: NS
Contiguous zoning is: North: NS, GC, O & I; East: O & I; South: R-15 (Princeton Walk Subdivision); West CRC & GC.
Current land use is Community Activity Center
Case manager is Marvin Shams
Zoning Appeals Commissioner is Kim Swanson
Reason: Always been like this.
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA position: No Action subject to the stipulation letter dated 11/19
Board of Zoning Appeals Action: Approved 5-0