Petition Z-57 ( October) Held until December

Applicants are Erik Klein and Rita Klein, 404-409-8100, e-mail [email protected], titleholder of the property is ASAL Properties, LLC, which request a zoning change in order to remodel the existing structure into a professional office (medical/dental) building.

Property location and address: Southwest side of Providence Road, east of Roswell Road

(4198 Providence Road)

Size of tract: 0.520 Acre

Contiguous zoning is: north R-20; south CRC (Shopping Center); west LRO (Office Park); east NS (Dentist Office)

Current Zoning: R-20 (Single-family Residential)

Proposed Zoning: CRC (Community Retail Commercial)

Future Land Use Designation: CAC (Community Activity Center)

Planning Commissioner:  Andy Smith

District Commissioner:  Bob Ott

Case Manager: Kelly Ryan

Reason:  Existing structure to be remodeled into a professional office building

Staff Comments: 

            Please click for Preliminary Zoning Analysis

            Please click for Final Zoning Analysis

ECCA recommends:  Deletion of the requested zoning to LRO and additional stipulations.

Planning Commission recommends:  Approval 5-0 subject to additional stipulations.

Board of Commissioners: Approved 5-0 for LRO plus additional stipulations.