Petition V-76 (September)

Applicant Stephanie A. Johnson and Jacob R. Johnson, 404-849-2647, request to 1) Allow an accessory structure under 650 square feet (approximately 288 square foot proposed storage shed) to the side of the principal building; and 2) reduce the rear setback for an accessory structure under 650 square feet (approximately 288 square foot proposed storage shed) from the required 35 feet to 23 feet.

Property is on the south side of High Green Court, north of High Green Drive (855 High Green Court)

Present Zoning: R-20

Future Land Use: LDR (Low Density Residential)

Case Manager: Kelly Ryan

BZA Commissioner: Bryant McDaniel

Reason: Add storage shed structure to existing building

Staff Comments: 

        Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis

        Please click for Final Variance Analysis

ECCA recommends:  Approval with additional stipulations.

Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 5-0 With additional stipualtions.