Applicant, Parkash Realty 1080 JFR, LLC, 404-429-0175, represented by Parks F Huff, 770-422-7016, requests to increase the impervious amount of the property from 70% to 83% (site is currently 75% impervious).
Additional Information:
Property is located at 1080 Johnson Ferry Road. 4370 Roswell Road. This is located on the southeast corner of East Cobb Drive and Roswell Road. Current title owner is East Cobb Warren, LLC.
Present Zoning: CRC
Size of Tract: 0.733 acre
ECCA Case Manager: Marvin Shams
BZA Commissioner: Bryant McDaniel
Reason: Applicant would like to convert the empty bank building into a restaurant with a larger footprint.
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA Recommends: Approval subject to additional stormwater management comments and parking requirements.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 4-0 subject to additional staff comments and final approval by stormwater management.