Applicant, Raechel Richards, 407-719-0644, representing herself, requests to: 1) Reduce the side setback from required 10 feet to six (6′) feet adjacent to the eastern property line; and 2) reduce the front setback from required 35 feet to 25 feet.
Additional Information:
Property is located on the south side of Loch Highland Pass, west of Dunbarton Way (4007 Loch Highland Pass). Size of tract: 0.43 acres. Current zoning is R-20.
Reason: Addition for wheelchair bound parent.
ECCA Case Manager: Marvin Shams
District 3 BZA Commissioner: Alice Summerour
Staff Comments:
Please click for BZA preliminary analysis
Please click for BZA final analysis
ECCA Recommendation: Not taking any action on this petition. Recommend site plan specific.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 5-0 subject to stormwater, traffic and sewer comments.