Petition V-132 (October)

The applicant, McDonald’s, 404-661-2830, represented by Cheryl S. Wyatt, 404-661-2830, requests to: 1) Increase the maximum height allowed for a freestanding sign from 19 feet to 20 feet and; 2) allow a groundbased sign to be non-monument style.

Additional Information:  

The property is located on the north side of Lower Roswell Road, east of Johnson Ferrry Road (4819 Lower Roswell Road). Size of tract is: 1.4 Acres

Reason: Rebuild due to road construction

Present Zoning: GC

ECCA Case Manager:

District 3 BZA Commissioner: Alice Summerour

Please click for BZA Preliminary Analysis

Please click for BZA Final Analysis

ECCA Recommendation: Denial due to no hardship

BZA: Approved 5-0 subject to staff comments