Applicant, Mt. Bethel Christians Academy, Inc., represented by J. Kevin Moore of Moore Ingram Johnson & Steele, 770-429-1499, requests to submit a new site plan with new buildings rearrangement of facilities and other improvements. The current title owner is Mt. Bethel Christian Academy, Inc.
Property is located at 2509 Post Oak Tritt Road. The property is on the northerly side of Post Oak Tritt Road, and westerly of Holly Springs Road.
Contiguous Zonings:
North: (R-20) – Holly Springs subdivision; South: (RA-4) – Vermillion subdivision, (R-15) Castle Gate subdivision, and (R-15 OSC) Hampton Park subdivision; East: (R-15) – Mabry Manor and Kings Farm subdivisions.; West: (R-15) – Hampton Park.
Present Zoning: R-15
Future Land Use: PI
Size of Tract: 33.4 acres
Case Manager: Richard Grome
District 3 Commissioner: JoAnn Birrell
Staff Comments:
Please click for BOC preliminary analysis
Please click for BOC final analysis
ECCA Recommendation: Hold pending stipulation letter; immediate resolution of temporary trailer LUP, and denial of submitted Master (Site) Plan.
Board of Commissioners: APPROVED 5-0 with added stipulations.