The applicant, KA Marietta, LLC represented by J. Kevin Moore of Moore Ingram Johnson & Steele, 770-429-1499, requests to submit a new site plan for a Kiddie Academy.
Property is located on the southerly side of Gordy Parkway, northwesterly of Sandy Planes Road.
Contiguous Zonings:
North: (R-20) – Sandy Plains Park; South: GC; East: GC; West: (RA-6) – Highland Terrace subdivision.
Present Zoning: O & I
Future Land Use: CAC
Size of Tract: 1.42 acres
Case Manager: Richard Grome/Ben Alper
District 3 Commissioner: JoAnn Birrell
Staff Comments:
Please click for BOC preliminary analysis
Please click for BOC final analysis
ECCA Recommendation: Hold or subject to additional stipulations.
Board of Commissioners: APPROVED 5-0 with recommendations of ECCA and Staff.