Variances – Past, 2015

Petition V-11

Lonnie A. Bacon, 770-641-9083, requests to: 1) Waive the front setback from the required 25 feet to 20 feet; and 2) waive the side setback from the required 10 feet to 9.7 feet adjacent to the northern side.

Located on the west side of Ashleigh Terrace, east of Heartwood Drive (185 Ashleigh Terrace).

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Petition V-10

Michael Leingang, 404-509-7786, represented by Susan Leingang, 404-509-7787, requests to: 1) Waive the requirement that a sign be located 42 feet from the centerline of the right-of way to 25 feet; 2) allow a sign to be located closer than one foot behind the public right-of-way; and 3) waive the side yard setback for a sign from the required 15 feet to 1 foot adjacent to the northern property line.

Located on the east side of Taliwa Trail, south of Roswell Road (1136 Taliwa Trail).

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