Search Tags <Ron M. Snyder, road frontage, lot size, easement, easement width, Aven Road, North River Forest Drive, 5601 Aven Road>
Ron M. Snyder, 770-434-7083, representing himself, requests:
- Waive the public road frontage to allow one home off of a private easement;
- Waive the lot size on tract 1 from the required 80,000 square feet to 51,546 square feet;
- Waive the width of an easement from the required 25 feet to 20 feet; and
- .Waive the public road frontage at the front setback on tract 2 from the required 75 feet to 25 feet.
Property is located on the north side of Aven Road, west of North River Forest Drive (5601 Aven Road, not in a platted subdivision); 1st District, Land Lot 280, Parcel 9.
Size of tract is 2.11 acre.
Present zoning is R-20
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20 (unplatted); East: R-20 (unplatted); South: R-20 (unplatted); West R-20 (unplatted).
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20 (unplatted); East: R-20 (unplatted); South: R-20 (unplatted); West R-20 (unplatted).
Land use category: Very Low Density Residential
Case manager is Robert Morgan
BZA board member is Tom McCleskey
BZA board member is Tom McCleskey
Reason: .Due to limited road frontage, need to utilize existing easement for driveway.
Staff Comments:
Preliminary Variance Analysis is here
Final Variance Analysis is here
ECCA position: .Position still being developed: This appears to be a zoning case, not a variance case. 2.11 acre site (unplatted subdivision) utilizing existing easement as driveway, for purpose of building new home … Multiple waivers being requested.
Is this really R-20 or is it R-80? We do not know what the neighbor at 5621 Aven Road (in front of applicant) has to say (see aerial image). Applicant will not return our calls.
Maximum impervious surface % allowed: 35%
Maximum impervious surface % planned: N/A
BZA Action: Case has not been heard yet.