Del Taco, LLC represented by Kevin Moore, 770/429-1499, requests an additional sign for their location on Johnson Ferry and Roswell Road.
Case Manager: Jill Flamm
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Zoning
Please click for Final Zoning Analysis
ECCA recommends: Approval subject to the additional stipulations:
- Approval is the monument sign only, not any of the addition signage renderings supplied in the package.
- Base of sign will be stacked stone or brick, not black as shown and landscaping will be around base. All of this is subject to District Commissioner approval with input from ECCA.
- Property owner agrees to enter into a pedestrian lighting district, per the Johnson Ferry Urban Design Guideline, should one be established in the future, via this stipulation.
Board of Commissioners Action: Approved 4-0. Sign rendering presented at meeting.