Applicants Jonathan and Susan O’Connor, 404-903-9467, representing themselves as Titleholder, request to: 1) reduce the side setback for an accessory structure under 144 square feet (existing 80 square foot shed) from the required five (5′) to three (3′) feet adjacent to the eastern property line; and 2) allow an accessory structure (proposed pool) to the side of the principal building.
Present Zoning: R-20
ECCA Case Manager: Chris Lindstrom
BZA Commissioner: Bryant McDaniel
Reason: The high elevation of a dirt mound at the back of the house makes it only feasible to locate the pool on the side of house.
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA recommends: Approval subject to additional stipulations
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 5-0 subject to additional stipulations.