Julie’s Plaza LLC, 678-754-4673, represented by John Bishara 678-754-4673, requests to: 1) Allow up to 87% impervious surface; 2) reduce the dimensions of a 90 degree parking stall from 8.5 feet x 19 feet to 9 feet x 18 feet; 3) reduce the width of a two-way drive aisle from 24 feet to 22 feet; and 4) waive the required landscape enhancement strip; and 5) reduce the sign setback from required 52 feet from centerline to 30 feet.
Property is located at 1314 East Cobb Drive. This is on the east side of East Cobb Drive, north of Johnson Ferry Road. Current zoning: GC; Size of Track: 0.67 acre
BZA Commissioner: Bryant McDaniel
ECCA Case Manager: Chris Lindstrom
Reason: Plans for future restaurant.
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
ECCA Recommendation: ECCA will take no action on this variance subject to Stormwater Management approval as well as the extension of the landscaping strip and placement of a sign consistent with the dental facility next door.
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 3-0 subject to additional stipulations