Petition V-37 (April) – Information only
Jerry Cox, 770-365-7273, represented by Kathleen M. Cox, 404-376-6225, requests to 1) reduce the rear setback from required 30 feet to 24 feet; and 2) reduce the required setbacks for an accessory structure under 144 square feet (existing approximately 112 square foot shed) from 5 feet to 3 feet adjacent to the rear and southern property lines.
Property is located at 755 Monticello Way. This is on the east side of Monticello Way, north of Greenwood Trail. Current zoning: R-15; Size of Track: 0.34 acre.
BZA Commissioner: Bryant McDaniel
Reason: 1) Porch extension; 2) existing shed
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 5-0