Applicant, Larry Manning, 770-653-4344, represented by Parks F. Huff, 770-422-7016, requests to: 1) reduce the rear setback from required 35 ft to 9 ft, and 2) reduce the setbacks from 100 ft to 1 ft adjacent to the eastern property line and to 7 ft adjacent to the rear property line.
Additional Information:
Property is located at 1090 Fairfield Drive. This is located on the north side of Fairfield Drive, east of Fielding Way. The current title owner is Lawrence M. Manning and Tommi Lynn Manning.
Present Zoning: R-20
Size of Tract: 0.48 acres
ECCA Case Manager: Richard Grome
BZA District 2 Commissioner: Kim Swanson
Reason: Applicant acknowledges building a 660 sq ft batting cage as well as having a 550 sq ft basketball concrete pad prior to the variance request.
Staff Comments:
Please click for Preliminary Variance Analysis
Please click for Final Variance Analysis (April)
Please click for Final Variance Analysis (May)
ECCA Recommends: Denial
Board of Zoning Appeals and Variances: Approved 4-0 with many additional stipulations.