Petition V-56

Search Tags <Watola, Worley Drive, Key Street, Shaw Woods, accessory structure>

Charles Watola, 770-419-2077, representing himself, requests:

  1. Allow an accessory structure on lot 29 to the side of the primary structure;
  2. Allow an accessory structure closer to the side street than the primary structure; and
  3. Waive the rear setback from the required 35 feet to 8 feet (existing).

Property is located on the northwest intersection of Worley Drive and Key Street (3313 Key Street, Shaw Woods subdivision); 16th District, Land Lot 418, Parcel .

Size of tract is 0.7 acre.
Present zoning is R-20
Contiguous zoning is:  North: R-20 (Shaw Woods);  East: R-20 (Shaw Woods);  South R-20 (Shaw Woods);  West R-20 (Shaw Woods).
Land use category:  Low Density Residential
Case manager is Don Farrell
BZA board member is Christi Trombetti

Reason:  The topographical nature of the lot, steeply sloping back yard makes it prohibitive to place the accessory structure within the normal terms of the ordinance.

Staff Comments: 
Preliminary Variance Analysis is here
Final Variance Analysis is here

ECCA position:  No Action.  Variance applies to shed only.

BZA Action (unofficial):  Approved, subject to:
•    Development and Inspections comments
•    Approval is only for improvements shown on the site plan
•    Accessory structure not to be used for living or business use