Search Tags <Lee Gall, front setback, setback, Clubland Trail, Clubland Drive, 3815 Clubland Trail, Indian Hills>
Lee P. Gall, 404-676-4360, representing himself, requests the waiver of the front setback on lot 5 from the required 35 feet to 31 feet.
Property is located at the northeastern intersection of Clubland Trail and Clubland Drive (3815 Clubland Trail, Indian Hills subdivision); 16th District, Land Lot 1112, Parcel .
Size of tract is 0.64 acres.
Present zoning is R-20
Contiguous zoning is: North: R-20 (Indian Hills); East: R-20 (Indian Hills); South: R-20 (Indian Hills); West: R-20 (Indian Hills).
Land use category: Low Density Residential
Case manager is Roger Phelps
BZA board member is Tom McCleskey
Reason: Garage addition would be undersized to accommodate owner’s existing vehicle (full size SUV). Topography of lot will not allow placement of garage addition in an alternate location.
Allow one corner of the proposed garage addition to extend a short distance past the 35 foot setback line.
Staff Comments:
Preliminary Variance Analysis is here
Final Variance Analysis is here
ECCA position: Opposed, no hardship demonstrated.
Indian Hills. No covenants. Front setback waiver. Expanding a garage while keeping the old one (not replacing existing garage). Is he also building a retaining wall so he can park a large trailer on site?
Maximum impervious surface % allowed: 35%
Maximum impervious surface % planned: ?? %
BZA Action: Case has not been heard yet.