Variances – Past, 2019

Petition V-109 (November) – Continued until December

Applicant Julieta
Issa, 404-483-0048, representing Title Holder Alexander J. Issa requests to:

1) Reduce the
setbacks for an accessory structure over 650 square feet (approximately 785
square feet existing wood frame building) from the required 100 feet to 33 feet
adjacent to the east property line and to 39 feet adjacent to the north
property line;

2) allow parking
and/or maneuvering of vehicles on a non-hardened and

treated surface;

3) allow a
second electrical meter on a residential lot.

Property is 0.54
acres and is located at 2211 Piedmont Forest Court, At the northern
terminus of Piedmont Forest Court, LAND LOT: 669, east of East Piedmont

Petition V-109 (November) – Continued until December Read More »

Petition V-100 (November)

Tatiana Quintero), 678-830-7847,
representing Title Holders Tatiana Quintero and Freddy Mora Calvo, requests
that they be allowed to:

1) Reduce the front setback from the required 40 feet to 15 feet (existing);

2) reduce the rear setback from the required 35 feet to 14 feet (existing);

3) allow parking
and/or maneuvering of vehicles on a non-hardened and treated surface; and,

4) reduce the setbacks for an accessory structure over 650 square feet (approximately 1,020 square foot one story frame building) from the required 100 feet to zero feet adjacent to the south property line, to 79 feet adjacent to the east property line, and to 65 feet adjacent to the north property line.

Property is 0.67
acres and is located at 2873 Robinson Road, on the north side of Robinson
Road, LAND LOT(S): 1033, 1034; east of Scottish Mill Run. (PRINCETON MILL SUBDIVISION)

Petition V-100 (November) Read More »

Petition V-66 (August)

Total Imaging Inc., represented by Pulkit Patel, 770-536-7906, request to 1) Reduce the minor side setback from the required 10 feet to five (5′) feet adjacent to the western property line (existing); 2) increase the maximum allowable impervious surface from 70% to 95% (existing); 3) reduce the required 200 feet of public road frontage on one road for an electronic sign to 156 feet; and 4) increase the maximum size for an electronic messaging portion of a sign from 32 square feet per allowable sign area to 35.36 square feet.

Property is located on the northwest corner of Barnes Mill Road
and Roswell Road, south of Lecroy Drive (2243 Roswell Road).

Petition V-66 (August) Read More »

Petition V-52 (June)

Altair Sign & Light, represented by Felicia Johnson,
678/539-0443, requests to 1) reduce the minimum number of parking spaces from
the required 20 spaces to 12 spaces (existing); 2) reduce the required setback for
a freestanding sign from the center line of an arterial road right-of-way from
the required 62 feet to 40 feet; and 3) reduce the sign setback off the right
of way from 1 foot to 0 feet for a free standing sign.

Located on the south side of Lower Roswell Road, east of Shawnee
Lane (2090 Lower Roswell Road).

Petition V-52 (June) Read More »

Petition V-46 ( May)

Bryan and Leah Brown, 218/329-6431, requests to: 1) Reduce
the side setbacks for Lot 11 from the required 10 feet to seven feet adjacent
to the southeast property line and to nine feet adjacent to the northwest
property line (existing); and 2) reduce the front setback for Lot 12 from the
required 35 feet to 30 feet for proposed new home construction; and 3) reduce
the setback for a wood deck on Lot 11 from five feet to one foot (existing).

Property located on the east side of Butler Gate, south of Chestnut
Lake Drive (742 and 744 Butler Gate).

Petition V-46 ( May) Read More »

V-35 (April)

Samuel Kovitch, 404/547-0961, represented by Robert Sullivan, requests to: 1) Increase the maximum allowable impervious surface from 35% to 46.38%; and 2) allow a retaining wall to be as high as eight and one-half feet (8.5′) within eight feet (8′) of the property line

Property located on the north side of Ridgewater Trail, east of Ridgewater Drive (3610 Ridgewater Trail).

V-35 (April) Read More »