To consider a Settlement of Litigation for Noble Storage, LLC, Estate of Doty and Donald Nix regarding case Z-4 of 2023. The applicant had proposed a compromise. The applicant has proposed rezoning the property to R-20 for two single-family houses along with a stipulation letter.
Additional Information:
The property is located on the south side of Freeman Road, east of Johnson Ferry Road (4290 Freeman Road).
Present Zoning: LRO with stipulations
Size of Tract: 1.0 acres
Contiguous Zonings: North: GC and NRC; South: R-15 (Alpine Lakes); East – R-15 (Byrons Pond; West – GC
ECCA Case Manager: Richard Grome
District 2 Commissioner: Jerica Richardson
Reason: Rezone to R-20 with additional stipulations
Staff Comments:
Please click for BOC Preliminary and Final Analysis
ECCA Recommendation: (not available)
Board of Commissioners: (not available)